Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mary Poppins Costume {It's a jolly holiday with Mary!}

Last year, Zoe wanted to be Mary Poppins for Halloween. At first I thought she meant she wanted to dress up with the coat, scarf and hat with flowers, etc.

But no. She wanted to wear the white and red outfit. The jolly holiday with Mary outfit. The girly-ruffly-outfit.

The much-more-difficult-to-make outfit.

Oy! I wasn't sure about that. It seemed like a time-consuming costume. I asked her a couple times if she was sure. And, I admit, I tried to convince her to wear the traditional Mary Poppins garb. But, no luck. She stuck to her guns. And I'm glad she did! This costume turned out to be pretty easy to pull together! And she looked so darn cute in it.

I found the white skirt and umbrella from Halo Heaven. Then I made red ribbon bows and sewed them to the skirt. 

For the top, I whipped up a long sleeve peasant blouse from lace with my all-time favorite sewing pattern, Simplicity 5695. Next I took a rectangle of lace, serged the edges, sewed down the middle of it with elastic thread to gather it and sewed the to the front of the blouse and topped it with a red bow. I also added red ric rac to the cuffs of the sleeves.

In the picture below you can see her little white and lace trick or treat bag. I just made it out of some white t-shirt knit, added ribbon handles and glued a red flower on.

Her dad, who had been working very long hours, rushed home and through this chimney sweep costume together.
Yep, he's the cutest dad ever.

For the belt, I cut red velvet out in the shape of wide belt which comes to a point in the front, sewed white ribbon to the front and sewed velcro to the back to close it around her waist.

I snagged her hat in the little girl's section at Wal-mart and added tulle and red flowers with a glue gun. She threw on a white shirt, white tights and some red shoes she already had and....voila! 

Mary Poppins was ready for her jolly holiday!

Redhead Can Decorate


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