
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Our Instagram Summer {Part 2}

Here's more pictures of our fun summer...


We finally got to take our chunky chunk home from the hospital. And as soon as he was home, the kids swarmed! They stroked his velvet hair, marveled over his soft skin, patted his chubby cheeks, held his little hands and could not stop staring at him.


Molly wanted to hold him every chance she got. And I enjoyed snuggling up with my new one zonked out in my arms and full of moo juice.


The girls couldn't get enough of him. And my sweet sister came to visit and squeeze her new nephew.


Sam ran to hold Rory's hand and offer comfort during diaper changes. He did not like his brother to cry. And we took Rory in for his doctor appointment. Lucky him. He has an awesome daddy.


The girls wanted to snuggle with him every chance they got.


I took loads and loads of pictures of Rory. Our little star. Emmett sat staring at him and smiling. The little guy put us under his spell.


We took Rory for his first trip to the library. As you can see, he was very impressed.


We loaded up on books to take home and devour. And...I kept taking pictures!


The kiddos had a little lesson in entrereneurship when they decided to have a snow cone shack. Their dad made them a chalkboard sign. I helped them make snow cone syrup. They froze bags and bags of ice. And they loved making snow cones for friends and neighbors.

I had to multitask. And...I was still late for church. And the kids climbed and climbed the willow tree in our front yard.


I fell deeper and deeper in love with that face. And so did everyone else.


We played at  Discovery Park and I tried to get a good shot of goofy Molly.


I packed Rory around in the baby sling and tried to get a good shot of my kids.


Here I managed to capture the essence of their true nature. And my mom showed me the wonderful quilt she made. A close friend of hers lost her husband a few months ago. This friend was having major difficulty parting with the button down shirts her husband wore everyday. So, my mom (because she is awesome and brilliant) offered to take them and make them into a quilt for her. It is beautiful...on so many levels.


Weston finally had his friends birthday party. He wanted to play night games and have root beer floats. Yes! An easy party. One friend wrapped his presents in fish stck and custard packaging. How clever! If you're wondering why...well, then you must not be as big a Doctor Who fan as Weston.


Rory confirmed that boys ARE awesome. And Zoe had to have her first baby tooth pulled while she watched Purple Torture (aka Barney).


Weston got ready for a 50 mile hike with his Boy Scout troop. And Rory patiently allowed me to take more photos.


I started making these earrings to sell in Recycle, Consign & Design, a local shop. And whipped up more vases, candlesticks and other shabby chic goodies for the shop, too.


Weston survived his hike and came home with loads to tell us. And Sam spent a good portion of his summer adoring his little brother. He was also a heaping ton of help while his dad was gone fighting forest fires. He'd come up every night before going to bed to ask, "Do you need any help?"

Yes. He is that sweet.


Rory got to bask in the glow of Aunt Mikki's smiles and love. And we blessed him (lucky his daddy made it home for that!)


It was a beautiful blessing and we enjoyed spending time with all the family that came. Molly especially enjoyed brushing her cousin Amelia's hair. Over and over again. Amelia was veeeerrrrrry patient.


Rory got cuter and cuter and cuter. And Sam took up a new hobby...baking. Here he is squishing the dough for homemade oreo cookies together. Now this is a hobby I can really get behind and support.


I had many many nights up with my new little guy. There's something quite magical about those hours. They are tough, but they are also sweet. And Molly got to enjoy cookie dough toothpaste at her first teeth cleaning at the dentist.


Rory learned how tough it is to be a baby with older siblings. And the kids couldn't resist rolling down a grassy hill with their friend Axel..


Rory was voted Most Popular. All the girls wanted their picture taken with him.


We laughed and laughed when we went to see Monster's University at the Historic Theater. And I enjoyed many quiet moments with just Rory and a book. Here I'm reading a short story collection by Diana Wynne Jones, who was a lovely writer. I wish I could have spent some time with her....although I'm in such awe of her talent that I would probably have spent most of it staring at her with my mouth open.

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