
Friday, February 8, 2013

the friday five: big news, fun art & a pig

#1: We had the ultrasound last Monday and took the whole family...

My youngest son, Sam, is super thrilled. He really wanted a younger brother. However, my girls were really hoping for a girl. And even though Zoe looks terribly sad in this picture, she has warmed up to the idea and is excited for the baby to get here. I hear on almost a daily basis, "I can't wait to hold the baby."

#2: I've finally started writing again (you can read my writing blog here). I'm working on a fantasy middle grade novel (that I might just finish in about a hundred years), but haven't felt like going near it in the last couple months....lots going on, all that lovely morning sickness and also I was trudging through a great big writing muddle.

But this week things have looked up. I'm writing. I met with my critique group. And I'm feeling so much better. Of course....getting back to my writing also means less crafting. Although I can never stay away from the crafty stuff for too long before I'm itching to make something.

#3: I've recently discovered the blog Art Projects for Kids and I love it! She has so many fun ideas!

Like this one...

It's called The Big Face Painting Tutorial. I love it. And I can't wait to try some of her ideas with my wee artists. 

#4: We are in the process of buying land. And I'm very very excited about it. We're hoping to build on it in the next 2-3 years. And now I love looking at all the pictures of homes and interior decorating people pin on Pinterest. 

Here are some of my recent favorites...
Pictures like this make me realize how much I love
white interiors decorated with bright pops of color. Love it!
Photo from My Home Ideas.

Love those bookshelves!
photo from Space Says
Coolest parents ever. Rock wall lead to a secret play space above the rooms. There is an entrance from each kid's room to the shared space.
Wha?! A rock wall leading to a common play space accessible
from the other children's rooms?! That is the coolest.
(But I couldn't find the link for this picture.)
#5: I've been pinning loads of cute stuffies lately to this board. Like this cute little guy....

Pinned Image
Come on? Have you ever seen a cuter pig? I think not!
Picture found at

I feel the need to sew something cute and cuddly coming on. 

Have a super great weekend! And do something fun. That's an order. Yes, I'm talking to YOU! :)


  1. Yea! Congrats on the boy! And I love all your ideas!

  2. Congratulations!! How exciting! And no, you don't have my permission to move. :) I'll be sad to lose you but it will be fun for you to build your home and use all your fun ideas from pinterest.

  3. Congratulations on a new baby to hold and have fun dreaming about a new home.

  4. You are so inspiring!!! Not to have a baby...I'm way beyond that, but all the energy you have and excitement for everything you tackle. I'm glad you're back to writing...that didn't take long, but don't give up on the crafting. Again, I look for you for fun inspiration. I'm actually going to recommend Hazel to a friend. Congratulations my dear!!!! Oh, you may like that white kitchen, but that little cupboard won't hold enough cereal bowls for your family.


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