
Friday, February 15, 2013

5 Things Friday: Valentine's Day Fun, Recipe Failure & a Question About Chores

#1: We had such a fun Valentine's Day!

It started out with the kids finding their doorways decorated with streamers and notes telling them things we love about them. We've been doing this since the kids were very small. It's a really fun tradition!

The boys had already gone off to school though, so I only have pictures of my girls.

(You can find the tutorial for making the girls' shirts here.)

For breakfast we had waffles with strawberries and whip cream. Yummo! 

I had to make sugar cookies for Zoe's class at school. Luckily, my little helper was on hand to give me a hand with the stirring...

And check out that mess up there on our table from the mad scramble to get the valentines done the night before!

Here's Zoe working on her Valentines for her family members.

I got to go in and help out with Zoe's party at school. The kids were so cute. And it was really fun seeing all the different kinds of valentines they brought.

We had a special candlelit dinner as a family with grilled marinated steaks, mashed potatoes, salad and rolls. Oh, and red punch, of course. There's something about candlelight that makes dinner so exciting. The kids love it!

But the best part was exchanging valentines after dinner. On Monday evening we talked about showing more love in our home. I gave each of them a sweet letter I'd written to them telling them things I love about them. Then we talked about how that made them feel.

So, then I told them of my plan for everyone to take the time to make loving valentines for each other and we'd exchange them at our special dinner. And boy did those kids deliver! I'm so proud of the notes and cards they came up with!

This one is to Zoe. Her and Sam share a room.

This one made me smile. Emmett is always trying to
get Molly to hug him more. Sometimes she's just too moody
and won't do it. 

Zoe made this one for Sam. She did such a great job and did her
Valentines pretty much all by herself. 

Since I already wrote the kids sweet notes on Monday, I
just put together little goodie bags with this stuff in them.
They were super excited to get those mechanical pencils!

Ryan wrote everyone's notes in a heart shape. So cute, right?
Ryan also gave his girls each a rose. They were so happy! And I got a big pretty bouquet as well. He's a very very sweet husband and daddy.

Another fun thing we did was the Monday before last. I found the idea over at 71 Toes. We gave our house a heart attack. Each family member wrote something they liked about their family members on different hearts. I love seeing all the sweet notes everyone wrote everyday. It's great.

#2: People ask me how I'm feeling a lot, which is so kind. My answer is usually, "Round." But I really love being pregnant. It's such a great and exciting time! Even if I'm starting to waddle.

#3: I'm a pretty strict mom. But I mean that as a good thing-! I think you can still be strict and firm and have fun, too.

But I'm curious about the responsibilities other families give their kids. Our kids have to do their homework, reading time, a chore, tidy their rooms, practice piano and write or type in their journals everyday. But they only have to finish homework and reading time before they can play with friends or spend some time on the computer, wii or watch the tube. And then they just haveto make time for the other stuff later.

So, what about you? What do your kids have to do everyday?

#4: I made a new recipe for dinner the other night. And, let me just tell you, rice vinegar is not a good substitution for balsamic vinegar. Also, I might have added too much. I was doubling the recipe and...maybe, just maybe I got a bit mixed up.

Needless to say, it was absolutely disgusting. I haven't made something that horrible tasting for a long time. Of course, as soon as I mentioned that, family members began trotting out stories of some very failed recipes. Like the crockpot oatmeal from a few years ago. OY! That's disgusting.

#5: I'm trying to post more on my writing least, here and there. Today I shared 9 reasons why being pregnant is like being an aspiring writer.


  1. I wonder if I don't make my kids do enough! My daughter will be 7 in two weeks, my son is 3. I work, so my daughter does her homework and reading in the after school program. Her chore is to unload and reload the dishwasher after dinner. Both kids have to clean their rooms and the play room, but I only make them do that once a week. Should I be making them do more? If so, when would we squeeze it in? We don't get home until 6, and between dinner, baths, and bed at 8, there isn't much time for anything else!

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